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    So having our example from above with the Liverpool – Arsenal game, then the football tip of “1X” means that either Liverpool wins the game or the game ends in a draw. Football tip of “X2” means that either Arsenal wins the game or the game ends up in a draw. And the 1X2 betting tip “12” will mean that either Liverpool will win or Arsenal will win. As simple as that. We offer football tips on the match outcome (1X2 market), total match goals (over/under 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 goals) and both teams to score. Among football fans or betters you will see that type of tips as 1X2, 1X2 football predictions or 1X2 betting tips, which is basically one and the same thing. The 1X2 stands for the three options available for a football game to end.1 – this tells you that the home team will win2 – this tells you that the away team will winX – this tells you that there will be no winner of the match and it will end as a draw (note that cup games where there are eliminations can also end as a draw in regular time – 90 minutes)

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